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Photo du rédacteurpoesiarevelada

Who will console...

Who will console the heart

of those forgotten pools ?

Their fine swimming undines

have now flown away !

the laughter of children

on their edges ?

The earthenware are drowsy

baked by the sun of time

The swallows are fluttering

now in others elsewhere

They loved so much

in search of water

turning all around

Only strange dust remains

We can’t even guess anymore

on the blueness of ceramics

the slender shadows of beauties

who defied the gaze of men

Our childhood is gone

No more music

No more cocktails

Just the sing of bees

the silence of the wind

The patina of time

has settled down

Sometimes passing by

a lost photographer

tries to give back

an ephemeral life

to those pools that… we loved so much !


Poem of Philippe Despeysses (Ph. Metzer-D in Berlin/Germany)

Photos of Vitella Donata

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Geneviève Catta
Geneviève Catta
Jan 15, 2023

Poème magnifique et bouleversante — oh, si belle écriture, et quelles images évoquées… et les photos de Donata invitent à l’arrêt. Merci!

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